Certificate IV in Agriculture
1.5 Years (part time)
Study Mode
Workplace Training & Online Study
On Campus & Workplace
On Campus & Online
Certificate IV in Agriculture - AHC40122
Explore this course:
Course Overview
Perfect for those with a solid background in agriculture, this course prepares individuals to lead with confidence in the dynamic world of farming. The Certificate IV in Agriculture is designed for those ready to elevate their career to supervisory or managerial positions like Farm Supervisor or Team Leader.
This course equips students with the technical expertise and problem-solving skills needed to oversee and enhance agricultural operations. Participants will learn to manage and motivate staff while optimising systems and projects for peak performance.
This course is currently available as part of the Free TAFE scheme but is subject to eligibility requirements and may change in the future.
Careers & study pathways
Where can this course take me?
Roles graduates may be eligible for include:
- Farm Supervisor
- Farm Team Leader
Further study
After graduating, students might like to undertake further study in:
- AHC50122 Diploma of Agriculture
- AHC51422 Diploma of Agribusiness Management
Course details
Upcoming dates and times
Choose a location below to learn more about when this course is offered and on which days you’ll need to attend.
Online Campus
(8 commencing soon)
Open From: 03-Feb-2025 - Traineeship - Part time - Monday - 9.00am - 11.00am - Workplace Training & Online Study
Block 2 - Workplace Based - Open From: 03-Mar-2025 - Part time - Monday - 9.00am - 11.00am - Workplace Training & Online Study
Block 3 - Workplace Based - Open From: 28-Apr-2025 - Part time - Monday - 9.00am - 11.00am - Workplace Training & Online Study
Block 4 - Workplace Based - Open From: 02-Jun-2025 - Part time - Monday - 9.00am - 11.00am - Workplace Training & Online Study
Block 5 - Workplace Based - Open From: 21-Jul-2025 - Part time - Monday - 9.00am - 11.00am - Workplace Training & Online Study
Block 6 - Workplace Based - Open From: 25-Aug-2025 - Part time - Monday - 9.00am - 11.00am - Workplace Training & Online Study
Block 7 - Workplace Based - Open From: 06-Oct-2025 - Part time - Monday - 9.00am - 11.00am - Workplace Training & Online Study
Block 8 - Workplace Based - Open From: 10-Nov-2025 - Part time - Monday - 9.00am - 11.00am - Workplace Training & Online Study
Shepparton - William Orr
(15 commencing soon)
Open From: 28-Jan-2025 - Traineeship - Part time - Tuesday - 9.30am - 4.00pm - On Campus & Workplace
Block 2 - Open From: 03-Mar-2025 - Part time - Monday - 9.00am - 11.00am - On Campus & Online
Block 2 - Open From: 04-Mar-2025 - Part time - Tuesday - 9.30am - 4.00pm - On Campus & Online
Block 3 - Open From: 28-Apr-2025 - Part time - Monday - 9.00am - 11.00am - On Campus & Online
Block 4 - Open From: 03-Jun-2025 - Part time - Tuesday - 9.30am - 4.00pm - On Campus & Online
Block 3 - Open From: 29-Apr-2025 - Part time - Tuesday - 9.30am - 4.00pm - On Campus & Online
Block 4 - Open From: 02-Jun-2025 - Part time - Monday - 9.00am - 11.00am - On Campus & Online
Block 6 - Open From: 25-Aug-2025 - Part time - Monday - 9.00am - 11.00am - On Campus & Online
Block 5 - Open From: 21-Jul-2025 - Part time - Monday - 9.00am - 11.00am - On Campus & Online
Block 5 - Open From: 22-Jul-2025 - Part time - Tuesday - 9.30am - 4.00pm - On Campus & Online
Block 6 - Open From: 26-Aug-2025 - Part time - Tuesday - 9.30am - 4.00pm - On Campus & Online
Block 8 - Open From: 10-Nov-2025 - Part time - Monday - 9.00am - 11.00am - On Campus & Online
Block 7 - Open From: 06-Oct-2025 - Part time - Monday - 9.00am - 11.00am - On Campus & Online
Block 7 - Open From: 07-Oct-2025 - Part time - Tuesday - 9.30am - 4.00pm - On Campus & Online
Block 8 - Open From: 11-Nov-2025 - Part time - Tuesday - 9.30am - 4.00pm - On Campus & Online
Study units
Take a look at some of the subjects you’ll be studying when you take this course.
This course requires a total of 12 units: 2 core and 10 elective.
Core units
2 unit(s)
- AHCWHS402 Maintain workplace health and safety processes
- AHCWRK410 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
Elective units
10 unit(s)
- AHCBAC411 Manage pastures for livestock production
- AHCBAC413 Plan and implement agricultural crop maintenance
- AHCBIO401 Plan and implement a biosecurity program
- AHCLSK402 Develop livestock feeding plans
- AHCLSK409 Supervise animal health programs
- AHCLSK413 Design livestock handling facilities
- AHCLSK422 Identify and select animals for breeding
- AHCORG415 Manage on farm composting
- AHCWRK404 Implement quality assurance procedures
- BSBLDR414 Lead team effectiveness
Attendance & commitment
General public blended delivery | 1.5 years course length | Part-time study load
Students are expected to:
- Attend classes on campus one day per week (6 hours on Tuesday).
- Spend approximately 8 hours per week working through their course materials research, revision, and completion of assessments.
- Attend a minimum of 80% of scheduled classes.
- Consolidate their knowledge and skills by undertaking research and practical tasks at the Shepparton William Orr Campus.
General online delivery | 1.5 years course length | Part-time study load
Students are expected to:
- Attend a virtual class every Monday for 2 hours of structured training online
- Spend approximately 8 hours per week working through their course materials, research, revision, and completion of assessments.
- In instances where students do not have a suitable worksite, they can attend the Shepparton William Orr campus for practical assessments.
Traineeship blended delivery | 1.5 years course length | Part-time study load
Students are expected to:
- Attend on campus one day per week (6 hours on Tuesdays).
- Spend approximately 8 hours per week working through their course materials, research, revision, and completion of assessments.
- Meet with their trainer at their place of work at least 4 times per year
- Consolidate their learning in their workplace.
Workplace online delivery | 1.5 years course length | Part-time study load
Students are expected to:
- Attend a virtual class every Monday for 2 hours of structured training online
- Spend approximately 8 hours per week working through their course materials, research, revision, and completion of assessments.
- Consolidate their learning in their workplace.
- Attend a minimum of 4 workplace visits for the course.
- In instances where students do not have a suitable worksite, they can attend the Shepparton William Orr campus for practical assessments.
Traineeship online delivery | 1.5 years course length | Part-time study load
Students are expected to:
- Attend a virtual class every Monday for 2 hours of structured training online
- Spend approximately 8 hours per week working through their course materials, research, revision, and completion of assessments.
- Meet with their trainer at their place of work at least 4 times per year.
- Consolidate their learning in their workplace.
- Attend 4 workplace visits.
- In instances where students do not have a suitable worksite, they can attend the Shepparton William Orr campus for practical assessments.
Assessment methods
Assessment methods may include:
- Written questions
- Portfolios
- Observations/demonstrations
- Projects
Before you begin
Entry requirements
GOTAFE entry requirements
Before being accepted into this course applicants must:
- Complete a Basic Key Skills Builder (BKSB) online test to ensure the required literacy & numeracy levels for the course are met.
- Undertake a Pre-training Review by interview to ensure the course suits their needs and aspirations, and that they are likely to complete the course successfully.
- Prospective Traineeship or Apprenticeship students are required to apply through an Apprenticeship Network Provider with their employer to organise their apprenticeship contract before applying for this course.
- It is highly recommended that students have a minimum of 2 years experience in the industry or are continuing on from Certificate III in Agriculture or Dairy Production, with aspirations to gain advancement/or employment in the agricultural industry as a Farm Supervisor.
Industry requirements
Working in this industry:
- Involves working outdoors and indoors, with a variety of vehicles and agricultural machinery, as well as animals and plants.
- Requires a medium degree of fitness.
Student resources
Students must have:
- A laptop/computer with internet access.
- Access to a digital camera or video camera for visual and audio assessment tasks.
- General stationery (pens, pencils, rulers).
- Workboots.
Please note: Eligible individuals who wish to access a government-subsidised place, must participate in a Pre-training Review. This will consider your:
- Aspirations/career goals
- Educational attainment and capability
- Literacy and numeracy skills
- Suitability for Recognition for Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer
Skills recognition / Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Skills Recognition is an assessment only process that may result in credits towards a part or full qualification. There is no formal training involved, although you may choose to complete further training as a result of the assessment process.
You can apply for Skills Recognition before you enrol in the qualification you are seeking. You can apply for Skills Recognition through one or both of the following processes:
- Credit Transfer for formal training that might be equivalent to a new qualification or partial qualification.
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for people who have relevant and current skills and knowledge that they have gained through non-formal or informal learning i.e. work or life experience.
Fees and payments
This course is available as part of the Free TAFE scheme for eligible students.
Fees and costs
GOTAFE offers a range of payment options to help you pay your tuition fees, so you can get on with your studies.
This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding to eligible individuals.
Please note that the fees on this webpage, for this particular course:
- are correct at the time of publishing for those enrolling in 2025 and may change without notice.
- will be discussed with applications as part of the application process to ensure it is understood what is being paid for and which fee rates they may be eligible for.
Course Fees consist of three different components:
- Student Tuition Fee - covers the costs of training and assessment. These fees vary across courses and are calculated based on a rate per nominal hour enrolled in. The student tuition fees as published are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment. Circumstances may include:
- an individual’s eligibility for Victorian (Skills First) and Commonwealth government-funded training
- an individual’s eligibility for concession rates on Victorian (Skills First) and Commonwealth government-funded training
- ineligible individuals who are required to pay the full fees for tuition and other costs.
- Material Fee - where applicable, cover the costs of classroom consumables, handouts and booklets, e-Learning resources and associated license access fees and excursions.
- Student Services Fee (SSF) – contributes to the provision of student engagement, learning and support services. SSF is a non-refundable annual fee that does not apply to short-course participants.
Additionally, some courses require students to purchase or supply textbooks, kits, tools, uniforms and personal protection equipment. Some specific materials may be purchased through the GOTAFE Bookshop. A full list with associated costs will be provided to you at your course information session, induction session, or during the pre-training review interview.
GOTAFE offers a range of payment options to help you pay your fees.
Learn more about fees, charges, refunds and payment options
Student support
As an enrolled student at GOTAFE you may access a wide range of academic support services to assist you to meet the academic challenges of your course from our Learning Support Unit.
Learning support
A free and confidential service to help you build the foundation skills you need to be successful at TAFE. Improve your english language, maths and/or writing skills; enhance your computer, exam and study skills.
Learn more about our learning support services
Our library team are passionate about supporting students to achieve their study goals. They have subject guides, referencing help, and online resources to assist you with you assessments.
Find how to reach out to our library in Shepparton
Jobs and study options
Our Skills and Jobs Centres can assist and talk through options for courses, careers, assistance with job applications and more.
Reach out to our Skills and Jobs Centres
Contingent Study Arrangements
Where a situation arises that prevents campus attendance (such as COVID restrictions, natural disasters, etc.) and it is deemed an appropriate response in protecting the health and safety of staff, students, and visitors, this course will adapt to alternative training arrangements, possibly using online methods of teaching and/or communication while students engage from home with their Trainers. Any required practical components of the course will be moved to a more appropriate time.
Whether you need support with time management, your mental health, grief and loss, a diagnosed disability, financial hardship, or any other challenge life throws your way, we are here to help.
Support for personal issues
We have a dedicated team to ensure students have the help they need with personal issues impacting studies such as homelessness, family problems & setting up payment plans.
Find out how the Student Experience Team can help you
Disability support
Get access to the supports and adjustments you need for your disability or medical condition to be successful in your studies.
Seek support from our Equitable Learning Advisors
Counselling services
We offer free counselling services to help you work through life's challenges including grief and loss, mental health or relationships.
Learn about our Student Wellbeing Advisors
Koorie Unit
The Koorie Unit is a culturally safe space on our Shepparton Fryers Street Campus for all Koorie students enrolled and studying through GOTAFE, or with one of our education partnering organisations.
Refer to the Student Handbook for information regarding Learner’s Rights Student Handbook.
Further information is provided at course induction.
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