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Disability Transitions for School Students

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GOTAFE provides personalised support for students with a disability transitioning from secondary school (including specialist schools and alternate education settings) to a TAFE environment.

Supporting individuals with disability

Our Disability Transition Officers can support by:

Providing guidance

To students, schools, and care teams.

Facilitating wrap-around support

For students who are transitioning.

Assisting with enrolment processes

And troubleshooting any difficulties.

Collaborating with stakeholders

To enhance transition processes.

Guiding students through enrolment

Working within a ‘Team Around the Learner’ framework and alongside our Learning Support Team, our Disability Transition Officers will guide and monitor students throughout their first 90 days of enrolment. Our officers partner with secondary schools to develop an understanding of the TAFE environment and share transition best practice within the Victorian TAFE Network.

For further information or to speak with one of our officers, reach out to our team.