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Student Voice

Your voice as a student is of the highest importance

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At GOTAFE, your voice as a student is of the highest importance. We not only value your voice, feedback and opinions, but find it critical in informing how GOTAFE operates. After all, GOTAFE is here for our students.

The student voice refers to the range of ways in which you can engage in decisions and actions which shape your learning environment. For instance, the social, recreational, and physical aspects of your learning environment; and providing direction and feedback about ways in which both your learning and wider experiences at GOTAFE can be enhanced.

SRC Nominations are open for 2025

Applications are open for the Student Council for 2025 and close on Friday 21 February 2025. Apply through the link below.

Apply for the Student Council

Represent your fellow students

The GOTAFE Student Council is made up of current students who are caring, passionate and dedicated and are elected to represent you here at GOTAFE. They are here to support and encourage fellow students through whatever issues or concerns arise on campus, communicating with GOTAFE staff and services on behalf of students and their interests

The role of the Student Council is to:

  • Improve students’ lives and experiences at GOTAFE by communicating and collaborating with the management and services of GOTAFE.
  • Be your contact point for any support, concerns, or ideas you have about student life at GOTAFE.
  • Meet regularly and undertake continuous professional development to equip them to be effective advocates for you.
  • Represent various student populations at GOTAFE and embody and reflect the GOTAFE Social Justice Charter

Meet your 2024 Student Council Representatives

Sophie Donald - SRC President

Sophie Donald - SRC President

I applied for the SRC to advocate for my classmates and ensure their voices are heard in matters that can enhance our study experience and success. I aim to collaborate with other students and teachers, introducing ideas to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment for current and prospective students.

Through this role, I hope to develop my leadership, teamwork, and organisational skills, which are essential for a future nurse.

Damien Stevens-Todd

Damien Stevens-Todd

I'm a local Shepparton father to Fletcher (6 years old) and husband to Cris, studying Cert IV in Bookkeeping and Accounting.

I'm excited to join the SRC to ensure the voices of students are represented with a particular focus on celebrating LGBTIQ+ pride, inclusion, and diversity in all GOTAFE does!

Matilda McKenzie

Matilda McKenzie

I applied for the SRC because I wanted to represent the entire community at GOTAFE. I enjoy being part of the Fryers Street Campus community and aim to make it an even better place for everyone.

As someone diagnosed with autism, I am particularly passionate about advocating for people with disabilities. Through the SRC, I hope to gain the confidence to stand up and speak on behalf of those who cannot.

Paula Leslie - Alumni Student

Paula Leslie - Alumni Student

I'm an alumni student, studying Graphic Design at the Archer Street Campus. I thoroughly enjoyed my student experience and had many ideas for improvement.

I believed the SRC would be a great platform to have my voice heard. I am extremely passionate about advocating for my peers and contributing to positive improvements across GOTAFE.

Ryder Oliver

Ryder Oliver

I'm a VCE-VM /Automotive student. I aim to speak on behalf of my class, improving my public speaking skills and developing leadership abilities. I aspire to become a confident speaker and effective advocate.

Having acted as a student leader at my previous school, I am committed to making the student experience a positive journey, looking for ways to fund more class excursions and represent trade students.

Atiqullah Akbari

Atiqullah Akbari

My primary reason for applying for the SRC was to challenge myself in a leadership role. I have previously served on my Secondary School Council, and I feel this is an opportunity to continue to grow as I am committed to making a difference.

I aim to represent those who want their voices heard but may be too shy to speak up, just like myself.

Emersyn Lawford

Emersyn Lawford

I am excited about joining the SRC as I want to ensure that my classmates know our voices are heard and our suggestions for improving our GOTAFE experiences are considered and discussed.

I represent the class of students completing their Year 11 and 12 certificates at GOTAFE. Through this role, I hope to foster a stronger sense of community and make people feel comfortable approaching me for help or advice.

Megan Okley

Megan Okley

I believe students need a representative of a similar age to turn to for support. This representative can help students find solutions to their needs.

I look forward to being an approachable SRC member and further developing both existing and new leadership skills.

Positions on the Student Council

Lead the Student Council, taking part in all Council acitivites and sit on GOTAFE's committees representing the interests of the student body. Nominations for the Student Council President will also be interviewed by a panel reflecting the Executive and Senior Management Team and student representatives of GOTAFE.

This representative will speak on behalf of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and will sit on GOTAFE committees representing the interests of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student body.

This representative will speak on behalf of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse student body and represent the student body on various GOTAFE committees and services.

This representative will work with and represent on behalf of individuals who identify as part of the LGBTIQA+ student body and represent the student body on various GOTAFE committees and services.

This representative will work with and represent on behalf of the student body identifying as having a disability and represent the student body on various GOTAFE committees and services.

General information on the Student Council

  • The term for all of the council roles is held over a calendar year i.e. 1 January – 31 December.
  • Student Council representatives are expected to contribute up to 16 hours a month for meetings and activities.
  • Student Council training will be provided before and during your time on the council as needed.
  • Council members are required to be available in the week before each Semester begins to assist with the welcoming of new students.
  • Council members will receive an honorarium payment of for their contribution payable in the last part of term 4 of the year.

Opportunities to enhance your student experience

Book an appointment with a Student Life Advisor to discuss opportunities to enhance your learning and social experiences with campus-wide events and activities, O-Week celebrations, WorldSkills competitions, and a voice through the Student Representative Council.