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Registration & Continuous Improvement

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ASQA Registration and Delegation

Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE (GOTAFE) is a Registered Training Organisation (TOID 3094) with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) to deliver National training package qualifications and VET accredited courses to domestic students.

In accordance with the provisions of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (NVR Act), GOTAFE’s application to ASQA for registration renewal in 2022 has been granted for a further 7 years (30 June 2029). A copy of GOTAFE’s Certificate of RTO Registration is included here.

As a Registered Training Organisation, GOTAFE is committed to ensuring compliance with the VET Quality Framework by actively managing and monitoring our activities to ensure that quality and compliance are maintained at all times and across all of our operations.

The VET Quality Framework comprises the following components:

  • the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015
  • the Fit and Proper Person Requirements
  • the Financial Viability Risk Assessment Requirements
  • the Data Provision Requirements
  • the Australian Qualifications Framework.

ASQA has granted GOTAFE Delegation to manage the Institute’s list of Training Products (accredited courses) on its Scope of Registration until 30 June 2025.

VRQA Registration

GOTAFE is registered under VRQA to deliver senior secondary programs in Victoria:

  • VCE0000001 Victorian Certificate of Education - Vocational Major (VCE-VM)
  • VPC0000001 Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC)

Registration has been granted to 31 December 2029 by the VRQA to deliver senior secondary programs, following a registration audit in August 2024, with VRQA finding GOTAFE to be compliant with the requirements of Child Safe Standards and the requirements of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) for authorisation to provide an accredited senior secondary course at four VRQA licenced premises. A copy of GOTAFE's Certificate of Senior Secondary Provider Registration is included here.

State Government quality and business process audits

GOTAFE is regularly audited by the Victorian State Government appointed auditors. The recent Business Process Audit (Oct 2024) demonstrated compliance with our State Funding Agreement.

GOTAFE Quality Education Self-Assurance

GOTAFE is committed to quality education and training, and follows rigorous self-assurance activities described in our Education Self-Assurance Framework to ensure continuous improvement for the best student outcomes.

Student and employer satisfaction surveys

Continuous improvement includes gathering feedback from key stakeholders, including client satisfaction surveys of students and employers. GOTAFE conduct annual Quality Indicator surveys of learner and employer satisfaction and report findings to our National Regulator, ASQA. Surveys are also conducted by the Victorian State Government (VETStat surveys) and NCVER (national Student Outcomes Surveys).