Legal & Privacy
Privacy Policy
GOTAFE respects your right to privacy
GOTAFE respects your right to privacy GOTAFE may need to collect Personal Information, Sensitive Information and/or Health Information about its employees, students and clients. GOTAFE respects this information and will do its best to keep it safe and secure. In all circumstances, GOTAFE will handle this information in accordance with the Information Privacy Principles (IPP) and Health Privacy Principles (HPP), contained within the Victorian Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and the Health Records Act 2001 respectively.
Download Student Enrolment Privacy Update
Why does GOTAFE collect Personal, Sensitive and/or Health Information?
When you enroll or begin employment with GOTAFE, we may ask for Personal, Sensitive and/or Health Information so that we can identify you as a student or employee and so that we can contact you. Some information is also required by government departments or agencies or may allow us to offer extra assistance and support.
All students undertaking study in a nationally recognised training course will need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) as required by the Australian Government. More information is available from the Australian Government USI website.
How will GOTAFE use and disclose Personal, Sensitive and/or Health Information?
GOTAFE will not disclose any personal information about an individual to a third party for any reason, other than for the primary purpose that it was collected, unless for a lawful secondary purpose. If a third party, such as an employer or next of kin (if you are over 18), requests information about you, we will ask for your written permission to provide the information before we share it.
How do I know the information is correct?
GOTAFE will take all reasonable steps to ensure the personal information that is collected is complete, accurate and current. If an individual wishes to access or update their information GOTAFE will provide reasonable assistance with this.
For security reasons, we will ask you to put all requests to access personal information in writing, and we reserve the right to charge a fee for locating the information, depending on the difficulty of the request. If the information is incorrect, we will do our best to correct it as soon as possible after you tell us.
What happens if I choose not to provide my Personal, Sensitive and/or Health
You may choose not to provide your personal details, but this may mean we are unable to provide you with the services you require and, in some circumstances, may affect your enrolment into a course.
Information Privacy Enquiries
All enquiries or advice on privacy matters including requests to update personal information must be in writing and sent to:
- GOTAFE Privacy Officer, 152-200 Fryers Street, Shepparton or
Freedom of Information Procedure Document
The Victorian Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) gives you the right to request information and access documents about your personal affairs and the activities of GOTAFE. You may also request that GOTAFE amend or remove incorrect or misleading information it holds about you.
The Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC) FOI website contains further information to help you access government documents.
Freedom of Information and GOTAFE
GOTAFE is a prescribed authority (or ‘agency’) under the FOI Act and is required to comply with the procedures for gaining access to information held by agencies. A decision to release information is made by an authorised officer (Privacy Officer).
GOTAFE is committed to administering the FOI Act in a fair, objective and unbiased manner with a view to ensuring that the spirit of the FOI Act is upheld.
Under the FOI Act, there are exemptions that may apply to a request received by GOTAFE, including but not limited to documents affecting personal privacy or trade secrets and business.
A person does not have the right to obtain under the FOI Act publications which are sold by GOTAFE, documents which are held by the Public Record Office of Victoria or documents that are readily available to the public.
Making an FOI request
All enquiries or advice on freedom of information matters including requests to update personal information must be in writing and sent to:
- GOTAFE Privacy Officer, 152-200 Fryers Street, Shepparton or
- via email to
Applications must be as detailed as possible to assist the Privacy Officer to identify and locate the relevant documents.
Applications made under the FOI Act will generally incur a fee. These fees will be charged as defined within the Freedom of Information (Access Charges) Regulations 2014.
For further information, please visit the OVIC site relating to costs. Payments by cheque or money order should be made out to GOTAFE.
Charges for access to documents will be in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Access Charges) Regulations 2014. The charges will cover time spent searching for documents and the cost of providing access
Other Legal, Policies & Procedures
Child Safe Standards
Environmental Sustainability
One of our Strategic Goals is to “achieve strong financial results, environmental improvements and contribute to social development in our region.”
GOTAFE is committed to minimising our impact on environment and will continue to put in place measures to reduce our electricity usage, travel, waste, water and greenhouse gas emissions.
Animal Ethics
GOTAFE use animals for teaching purposes to train students in agricultural and animal care industry vocational practices. An obligation to respect animals underpins all activities.
GOTAFE’s Animal Ethics Committee ensures that all teaching activities involving the use of animals uphold the highest standards of animal care and complies with the Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes (8th Edition, 2013).
At our Wangaratta Regional Study Centre, Tone Rd, Wangaratta, we are grateful for the use of local horses for our equine teaching programs. We are committed to providing the highest level of care to all horses entrusted to us by their owners. Horses are checked daily including over weekends, and may be paddocked with light rugs during warmer months. The rugs provide horses with protection from the sunlight, insects and the heat.
Any enquiries can be addressed to the Animal Ethics Committee via email:
Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality
GOTAFE seeks to maintain high levels of integrity and public trust and avoid conflicts of interest. A policy and procedure framework aligns to Victorian Public Sector Commission (VPSC) guidelines, including for the management of the acceptance or provision of Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality.
GOTAFE documents that align to the VPSC’s ‘Gifts, benefits and hospitality Policy framework’ include:
A Gifts, Benefits & Hospitality Register is maintained in accordance with the policy framework and the register can be viewed here.
Public Interest Disclosure Policy
In accordance with the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012 (the Act), GOTAFE is committed to encouraging and facilitating the disclosure of improper conduct or corrupt behaviour by GOTAFE as an organisation or by its public officers, including employees, and to the prevention of detrimental action in reprisal for making such a disclosure.
The Act commenced operation on 10 February 2013 with key changes to the Act commencing on 1 January 2020.
Public interest disclosures are directed at the identification of corruption and dishonest or improper activity on the part of a public body or its officers, staff, directors or any other person acting on its behalf.
Public interest disclosures about GOTAFE, or its employees or other public officers, can be made to any of the following bodies under section 13(2) of the Act:
- Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC);
- the Victorian Ombudsman; or
- the Victorian Inspectorate.
The contact details for these bodies are set out in the Public Interest Disclosure Procedure
Statement of Adherence to Australian Democratic Principles
Australian society is defined, among other aspects, by a belief in elected Government, by a commitment to the rule of law, to equal rights for all before the law, and by a belief in freedom of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of association. Our society is also tolerant of a range of religious, political, social and cultural beliefs and values in the context of the fundamental principle of our democracy.
As a registered training provider operating under the regulations of the Victorian Education and Training Reform Act, GOTAFE undertakes to deliver our programs and teaching in a manner that supports and promotes the principles and practice of Australian democracy.
This includes a commitment to:
- Elected government
- The rule of law
- Equal rights for all before the law
- Freedom of religion
- Freedom of speech and association
- The values of openness and tolerance
GOTAFE is committed to operating in a manner consistent with these principles and to ensure that these principles are put into practice through appropriate inclusion in Institute policies and procedures.
The GOTAFE community is enriched by people of many backgrounds, age, race, ethnic and national heritage, physical and intellectual abilities and lifestyle choices. GOTAFE aims to treat all members of the community with dignity, courtesy and respect.
By creating a positive environment in which the welfare and needs of students is of paramount importance, GOTAFE seeks to enhance the learning experience and optimise outcomes for all students. In this way, GOTAFE aims to not only practice these principles but to imbed them in the learning process to contribute to their perpetuation.
Through the GOTAFE Behavioural Policy and Procedure, the Institute aims to:
- Foster an environment that is free from discrimination, harassment and bullying
- Promote appropriate standards of conduct at all times
- Implement education and awareness-raising strategies to ensure that everyone is made aware of their rights and responsibilities
- Encourage reporting of inappropriate behaviour and provide an effective procedure for resolving complaints in a sensitive, confidential, fair and timely manner
- Provide protection from victimisation
- Provide individuals access to information outlining how to best manage their health and safety
- Ensure the principles of natural justice are adhered to at all time
Victorian Ombudsman
The Victorian Ombudsman takes complaints about Victorian state and local government departments and agencies (including TAFEs).
The Ombudsman is independent and impartial and provides a free service.
When you make a complaint to the Ombudsman about a government action or decision, the Ombudsman can look into it, tell you what occurred, and whether it was reasonable or unreasonable; she can also make recommendations to the government body about its conduct.
A complaint can be made to the Ombudsman via the following details:
Phone: (03) 9613 6222 or 1800 806 314 (Regional Only)