Procurement & Tendering
Procurement at GOTAFE
GOTAFE is an active participant in the local economy procuring goods and services to ensure the provision of vocational education and training. As a Victoria Public Sector Agency, GOTAFE’s procurement governance and framework meets the legislative requirements and directives of:
- Victorian Government Purchasing Board (VGPB) established under the Financial Management Act 1994 (VIC); and
- Project Development and Construction Management Act 1994 (VIC) and the Ministerial Directions for Public Construction Procurement in Victoria (effective 1 July 2018).
GOTAFE’s approach to procurement
Four key principles underpin procurement at GOTAFE.
Value for money
Supplier engagement
How GOTAFE engages with suppliers
GOTAFE publicly advertises its major and significant procurement opportunities via the following systems:
Suppliers are encouraged to register as users of these platforms and use these systems to respond to GOTAFE procurement activities.
GOTAFE Procurement Activity Plan
GOTAFE’s procurement activity plan provides a high-level summary of planned procurement activities with an estimated contract value of $100,000 and above. The plan is reviewed annually, provides an estimate of activity at a point in time, and is subject to change.
GOTAFE’s current Procurement Activity Plan can be downloaded below.
Please note that the information provided in the plan is for informational purposes only and does not represent a solicitation or invitation to supply, or a commitment by GOTAFE to purchase the described goods and services. GOTAFE will not respond to any unsolicited bids received.
View the Procurement Activity Plan hereFurther procurement information
Supplier Code of Conduct
GOTAFE is committed to ethical, sustainable and socially responsible procurement and we require that all our suppliers meet the requirements of the VGPB's Supplier Code of Conduct. The Code describes the minimum expectations in the areas of:
- Integrity, ethics, and conduct
- Conflict of interest, gifts, benefits, and hospitality
- Corporate governance
- Labour and human rights
- Health and safety
- Environmental management
Visit the VGPB's Supplier Code of Conduct Toolkit and Document Library to access further information, templates, and documents that support buyers to implement the Supplier Code of Conduct.
Purchase order terms and conditions
GOTAFE’s terms and conditions for the purchase of goods and services are included in all purchase orders issued by GOTAFE. These purchase order terms and conditions apply to the purchase of all goods and services by GOTAFE where there is no formal contract arrangement between GOTAFE and a supplier, or where goods and services are purchased by GOTAFE using a State Purchasing Contract through the Victorian Government Purchasing Board.
GOTAFE’s purchase order terms and conditions can be downloaded below
Procurement complaints
A procurement complaint is an issue or concern expressed by a supplier in relation to the process and probity applied by GOTAFE when carrying out a procurement activity.
GOTAFE handles all procurement complaints in accordance with the VGPB - Complaints Management Requirements and VGPB - Complaints Management Guide.
To submit your feedback or complaints please visit GOTAFE Feedback and Complaints page.
Please include details of the basis for your complaint including:
- The procurement activity that the complaint relates to
- The basis for the complaint specifying the issues involved
- How the subject of the complaint and the specific issue affects you or your organisation
- Any relevant background information
- The outcome desired by you or your organisation
- Your name and/or organisation's contact details.
If you are dissatisfied with the findings and actions of GOTAFE to your complaint, and it relates to a goods and services procurement, you may refer the matter to VGPB for review.
Complaints submitted to the VGPB must be lodged by letter, email or fax within 10 working days of the receipt of the findings by GOTAFE to:
The Chair
Victorian Government Purchasing Board
Department of Treasury and Finance
GPO Box 4379
The complainant must provide the following material:
You must provide the VGPB with the following information in relation to your complaint:
- Evidence that the organisation did not correctly apply supply policies in relation to a procurement activity.
- Evidence that the organisation’s complaints management procedures were not applied correctly.
- A copy of all relevant correspondence between the complainant and the organisation in relation to the nature of the complaint.
- Any additional material requested by the VGPB to assist it in its findings.