Strategic Plan
GOTAFE's Strategic Plan 2024-26
A roadmap for the next three years
The GOTAFE Strategic Plan 2024 – 26 outlines a roadmap for the next three years and sets out a clear path for advancing and evolving GOTAFE.
GOTAFE is strongly committed to enhancing its role as a leading provider of vocational education and training in regional Victoria. We are focused on ensuring that our programs serve the needs of our students, industry, and the local community.
Our Strategic Plan is the guiding document for GOTAFE operations and is a priority for the Board, Executive Team and all employees.
Aligning with the TAFE Network Statement of Priorities
The Strategic Plan aligns with the TAFE Network Statement of Priorities, as agreed between the Minister for Training and Skills and GOTAFE.
An Action Plan, which accompanies GOTAFE’s Strategic Plan, is reported on regularly by GOTAFE’s Executive Team.