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Mobile Campus

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Bringing education to our community

GOTAFE is committed to playing a lead role in supporting, connecting and delivering employment, career and education services. At the heart of this response is a new purpose-built mobile campus.

The GOTAFE Mobile Campus will connect with communities that don’t have the opportunity to easily engage with training, career and TAFE services.

Working in partnership with local government and tapping into job active networks and financial support services, the Mobile Campus will take a community centred and solutions-based approach to delivering services that enhances your opportunities across regional Victoria.

What's on campus?

The GOTAFE Mobile Campus has four key service delivery elements:

Skills and Jobs Centre

Provides course advice, referrals and qualified career counselling.

Education and training

On-site training and course delivery to enable remote learning.

Events and activities

Attending community events and engaging in local activities.

Community computer lab

The Mobile Campus will provide access to resources you need.

Our Mobile Campus is on the road!

Check out the upcoming locations and dates and book a session, or simply drop in to access our campus services! This page is constantly being updated with the upcoming schedule.

Our next stop is Kilmore from 11 - 21 November.

Browse dates and book a session at our Mobile Campus

What are Skills and Jobs Centres?

Skills and Jobs Centres should be the first port-of call when you are looking to enter the workforce, start training or re-skill. The Centres provide free and expert career planning advice. The services are available to everyone, so you don’t have to be a GOTAFE student or partner to access the support you need.

The GOTAFE Skills and Jobs team can assess your skills and strengths, share job-hunting tips, and provide advice so you can find a job that best suits you and your strengths.

Two women speaking to one another

Skills and Jobs Centres provide expert advice on training and employment opportunities, including:

  • Identifying training qualifications for a successful career transition
  • Assistance in using existing skills to align to a new job or to undertake new training (Recognition of Prior Learning)
  • Information on local employment trends and areas with skills shortages
  • Creating a personal career plan or training pathway
  • Referrals to other service providers

Call us or send an enquiry to make an appointment to speak to one of our Skills and Jobs team members to find out how we can help you reach your career goals.

Contact our Skills and Jobs team

Find out more

Want to learn more about our Mobile Campus? We have an information booklet available.

If you would like to discuss anything in the booklet, get in touch with us.

Download information booklet

11 campuses in Victoria

We have a number of campuses across Northern Victoria, including in Shepparton, Wangaratta, Seymour, Benalla and Wallan.