Victorian Training Awards
Recognising the outstanding achievements of Vocational Education and Training students, teachers, training providers and employers.
Celebrating achievements in the TAFE sector
The Victorian Training Awards recognise and honour the outstanding achievements of vocational education and training (VET) students, teachers, training providers and employers. The awards are run by the Department of Education and Training.
2020 Inclusive Training Provider of the Year
GOTAFE is incredibly proud to have been named as the Inclusive Training Provider of the Year at the 2020 Victorian Training Awards. Read more in the article below. We are also proud to have been a finalist in the Large Training Provider of the Year category.
Read more about the Inclusive Training Provider of the Year award
Inside the VTA award process
GOTAFE selects outstanding trainers, students and learning programs to be nominated for the various VTA awards and to represent GOTAFE.
Trainers are selected either via peer awards or through a nomination by management or fellow colleagues.
Students are usually acknowledged through a GOTAFE award ceremony such as Trade Awards or Student Recognition Ceremonies and go on to represent GOTAFE, usually the Outstanding Student of the Year for each campus is encouraged to apply.
In saying this, the awards are open to any trainer, student or employer who would like to self nominate or nominate for someone else and GOTAFE supports will support this nomination. You don’t have to be chosen by GOTAFE to apply, you just need to have a go.
Interested in applying?
GOTAFE can support your application in a number of ways, assist you to interpret the questions and write your responses, proof reading of your application or gather supporting evidence.