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Student Spotlight - Tamika Mosman

Tamika Mosman is a second-year student at GOTAFE, pursuing a Certificate III in Engineering – Fabrication Trade (MEM31922).

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Post date: 12th December 2024

Tamika's journey into metalwork began in high school when she had to choose between woodwork and metalwork for her elective subjects.

Without hesitation, she chose metalwork and quickly discovered her passion for the craft.

“I chose metal and would often end up doing my friends' classwork because I enjoyed it so much,” she said.

“I would even stay back at lunchtime to finish off whatever I was working on at the time."

Her talent didn’t go unnoticed.

One of her classmates recognised her skills and offered a piece of advice that would shape her future.

“One of the guys in my class said I was really good at metalwork and suggested I look to make that my career,” she said.

“I was lucky enough to get a position at CPE Construction in Cobram.”

Tamika now thrives in her trade, finding joy in both the work and the team environment.

“I love the feeling of making new things with metal and that I’m always learning new things each day,” she said.

Her experience has made her eager to encourage other women to pursue careers in trades, breaking down any barriers of doubt.

“Don’t be scared, please just give it a go,” she says.

“You’ll find that everyone is happy to have you involved, and at the end of the day, we’re all there to learn and get the job done.”

Tamika Mosman

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