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Seymour industry gets taste of workforce planning

Industry leaders from Seymour and the surrounding region have had a taste of how to plan for their future workforce

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Post date: 24th October 2023

Some 35 people attended an industry connection breakfast at GOTAFE’s Wallis Street Campus in Seymour on 24 October.

GOTAFE facilitated the event in response to feedback from local employers about the need to connect with each other and share ideas and strategies to support workforce planning.

The breakfast included a panel discussion with local industry and education leaders, covering topics such as embracing diversity in the workforce with contextualised learning opportunities and how to grow your own skilled workforce.

The speaking panel featured:

  • Goulburn Options - Megan Montgomery, Outcomes Manager
  • Koala Cherries - Vicki Kennedy, HR Manager
  • Victorian Skills Authority - Kate Storer, Senior Skills Advisor, Goulburn Region, Industry Engagement
  • Seymour College – Carol Fisher, Careers Practitioner
Woman with brown hair talking to four people sitting with their backs towards the camera.
"The importance of building strong and meaningful connections between students and employers was a common theme throughout the morning. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience across our region and by sharing approaches, we can grow the talent pool to support communities we operate in. We had a great response to the event, and this will help inform future industry partnerships, as we continue to collaborate to build strong career pathways across our region."

GOTAFE Executive Director Growth and Engagement Hannah Turnbull

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