Make the most of Free TAFE
GOTAFE is encouraging school-leavers to make the most of expanded eligibility for Free* TAFE.
Thousands of Victorian secondary school graduates last week received second round Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) offers for their preferred TAFE or University course, with four more rounds to come for students who are still awaiting results.
Many more students are also applying directly to TAFEs outside of the VTAC offers process.
GOTAFE’s Acting Executive Director Education Luke Surace said an advantage of Free TAFE was that it armed students with skills for in-demand careers without the worry of the cost of tuition fees.
“In 2023 increased eligibility for Free TAFE saw some 1638 students studying a Free TAFE course at GOTAFE.
“The eligibility changes made for 2023 have remained in 2024, with the addition of more courses and further opportunities for students who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander."

"The Victorian Skills Plan predicts that one-third of jobs in 2026 will require skills aligned to VET qualifications. Free TAFE supports training in those areas of high demand and those facing shortages."
Luke Surace, Acting Executive Director Education
GOTAFE Certificate III in Information Technology (ICT30120) student Alistair Wall said Free TAFE also enabled him to dedicate more time and energy into his studies.
“Because of Free TAFE I was able to put extra time and commitment into the course without any financial stress,” Alistair said.
“I was able to take advantage of the opportunity.
“I am excited by the growth of the industry.
“I want to continue my studies and complete a Certificate IV in Cyber Security (22603VIC).”

“Free TAFE supports training in those areas of high demand and those facing shortages.”
GOTAFE Certificate III in Information Technology (ICT30120) student Alistair Wall said Free TAFE also enabled him to dedicate more time and energy into his studies.
“Because of Free TAFE I was able to put extra time and commitment into the course without any financial stress,” Alistair said.
“I was able to take advantage of the opportunity.
“I am excited by the growth of the industry.
“I want to continue my studies and complete a Certificate IV in Cyber Security (22603VIC).”
What’s changed with Free TAFE?
In 2023 Free TAFE eligibility expanded, with community members no longer needing to meet specific age, upskilling or reskilling requirements, meaning that most will now be eligible to study under the Free TAFE program for eligible courses.
The above changes have been retained for 2024, while the list of Free TAFE courses delivered at GOTAFE has expanded to include Certificate III in Hospitality (SIT30622) and Certificate III in Commercial Cookery (SIT30821).
Additionally, both new and continuing students who identify on their enrolment form as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander can now access free tuition.
*This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding to eligible individuals.
Make the most of Free* TAFE
Stress less while you study - have your tuition fees paid for by the government, with Free TAFE!