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Leading the way in Cyber Security

A GOTAFE Trainer committed to inspiring young people has been recognised with a nomination for a national award.

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Post date: 15th May 2024

GOTAFE Trainer and Assessor Information and Technology Steve Cranage has been named a finalist for the Indigenous Cyber Security Leader of the Year Award at the 2024 Australian Cyber Security Awards.

Mr Cranage, who has over 25 years experience in the IT and cyber industry, is passionate about contributing to the education and development of future generations of IT and cyber professionals

“I am honoured to have received this recognition from my peers,” he said.

"The (cyber) threat landscape is constantly evolving, presenting new challenges that require continuous adaptation and learning."

Steve Cranage

“In my role as a Trainer and Assessor, I aim to inspire youth to pursue careers in the IT and cyber security industry.

“Everyone has the potential to shine given the right opportunities.”

Mr Cranage has also been a GOTAFE student himself, undertaking a Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology, Certificate IV in Cybersecurity, and a Certificate IV in Training in Assessment.

Prospective students interested in studying IT and cyber security at GOTAFE have the opportunity to learn from committed, industry recognised trainers such as Mr Cranage.

He received the 2019 GOTAFE Information Technology Student of the Year award and was nominated for the Victorian Training Awards Vocational Student of the Year.

Mr Cranage was also nominated as a finalist for the Indigenous Cyber Security Leader of the Year Award at the 2023 Australian Cyber Security Awards. This year’s award winners will be announced at a ceremony at the National Convention Centre in Canberra on Thursday, June 2024.

Turn your passion for tech into a career

Our Trainers (like Steve) are all industry-qualified, with extensive experience in IT and the practices and processes you'll use day-to-day in the workplace.