Humans of GOTAFE - Yvonne Richards
Trainer and Assessor Nursing Yvonne Richards talks about using her industry experience as a registered nurse to teach the upcoming generation of nurses.
Trainer and Assessor Nursing at GOTAFE Yvonne Richards began her career in the nursing industry at the age of 17 years old. Today, Yvonne is using her over 40 years of industry experience as a registered nurse to teach the upcoming generation of nurses.
Since her career started, there has been many changes in the industry.
“Nurses are more respected as health professionals, not as the doctors handmaiden as we were often referred to previously,” Yvonne said.
“Nursing has a much stronger clinical based grounding to what had been part of our early experience.”
During her time in the industry, Yvonne has learned a lot including the importance of some skills she has picked up along the way.
“If you cannot communicate effectively and have a level of empathy and understanding towards everyone in your workplace, especially patients, the role may not be for you,” she said.

"You need a good level of clinical skills to understand and implement your learnings taken from the classroom. There’s so many skills and qualities that make an exceptional nurse. It all boils down to having empathy, kindness and respect for those under your care."
Yvonne Richards, Trainer and Assessor Nursing
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