GOTAFE Presents EMERGE Flood Relief Event
A major flood relief event presented by GOTAFE will take place in the in the heart of Shepparton on Sunday, December 11.
Post date: 25th November 2022
GOTAFE, with the support of Melbourne University and La Trobe University, is excited to present EMERGE, an afternoon of live music, food, drinks and family activities to support our community as we recover from recent floods.
The event will be held on Sunday 11 December from 1 – 6pm at Fryers Street Shepparton, in front of the GOTAFE and La Trobe campuses.
Travis Heeney, CEO GOTAFE said “the EMERGE event is a chance for the community to reconnect and enjoy a relaxing afternoon together”.
"The Goulburn Valley has experienced unprecedented challenges over the last few years, from COVID to the recent flooding. We want to do something to lift spirits and give back to our community. Everyone is welcome, bring your friends and family along for a fun day out,"
Travis Heeney, CEO GOTAFE
Announcements about headline acts will be made later next week.
Find out more about the EMERGE flood relief event