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Fired up for new facilities

Qualified plumbers now have access to state-of-the-art gas appliance training facilities in Wangaratta.

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Post date: 22nd May 2024

GOTAFE recently completed works on its Type A Gas Room at its Docker Street Campus.

The project was funded by a combination of the Victorian Government and GOTAFE.

Equipment was also donated by local suppliers and contractors, who GOTAFE recently invited to a small event to tour the new training room and to be acknowledged for their contributions.

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“This project shows the value of strong relationships with local industry,” GOTAFE’s Plumbing Coordinator Troy Hubben said.

“Previously plumbers needed to travel to Melbourne or interstate to complete this training, often at great cost to employers.

“Local suppliers saw the value in this facility and have been generous in supporting the project, for which we are grateful.”

The room features specially configured gas appliances like those normally found in homes and workplaces, including hot water systems, heaters, stoves and ovens. Trainers can simulate faults in the appliances, which students can then learn to identify and resolve.

“This training room is the best gas room training facility in the state with two rooms set up and approved by Victorian Building Authority (VBA), enabling GOTAFE to train plumbing students and reskill or upskill existing plumbing practitioners,” Mr Hubben said.

"The new facility will teach plumbing students specialised skills required to ensure they make an impact in the workforce once they leave GOTAFE."

Troy Hubben, GOTAFE

Two cohorts of students have already completed the new Short Course in Servicing Type A Gas Appliances (SA4TYPEA24), with places for July and September intakes into the 16-day course available.

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