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GOTAFE students awarded Community Bank scholarships

Five GOTAFE students, based in the Wallan region, have received $2000 scholarships thanks to funding from Community Bank.

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The students received their scholarships at a morning tea on 28 July, where the recipients spoke of the opportunities the scholarships will offer them.

Diploma of Nursing student and single mum of five, Brooke Cutler, said that the scholarship will assist her and her family hugely while she studies.

When asked how she does it, Brooke said “you just do it because you have to.”

“I still have to pay all my bills, run a house and look after my kids,” she said.

Brooke grew up wanting to be a nurse, and her passion for helping others only grew stronger when she had a baby of her own.

“I will always appreciate what they provided me during my time of need when I didn’t understand what was going on. It was a big scary thing for me and that’s when I decided I was going to become a nurse.”

“I started my Diploma in Nursing last February.”

Jane O’Brien, Director Student Attraction and Enrolment at GOTAFE said it is important to provide students with ways to address challenges they might be facing so they can follow their passions.

“GOTAFE operates across a diverse footprint, which brings significant opportunities for students. We have been working hard to create equal opportunities and address systemic barriers,” Ms O’Brien said.

"Through the generosity of the Community Bank, we can ensure GOTAFE continues to be welcoming, equitable and inclusive for everyone.”

At the heart of these scholarships is a passion for providing opportunity, something GOTAFE shares with the Community Bank.

“We’re so excited to see these scholarships go to such deserving students, the passion for their chosen study and career paths is inspiring,” said Shelley McLean, Senior Group Manager at Norcen Financial Services Ltd.

“We look forward to watching and supporting these students in their development and future contributions to their community.”

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