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Top 10 tips for success!

Home >What's on >Events >Top 10 tips for success!

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Start Date
8th February 2024 - 2:00 pm
End Date
8th February 2024 - 2:45 pm

Top 10 tips for success!

If you can't wait to get into the workforce, then an Apprenticeship or Traineeship may be right for you. Studying a Pre-apprenticeship, Apprenticeship, or Traineeship allows you to start your career while you're training. You'll work for an employer and learn on the job, while also completing additional training at GOTAFE.

Join GOTAFE staff at our information session to learn more about starting your Apprenticeship or Traineeship with GOTAFE in 2024.

Register now

Apprenticeships and traineeships at GOTAFE

An Apprenticeship or Traineeship is a contract between an employer and employee where the apprentice or trainee receives on-the-job workplace-based training. An Apprenticeship or Traineeship allows you to combine formal training from GOTAFE with on-the-job training from an employer, meaning you can apply new skills as you learn them.