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Trainer and Assessor

Help people develop the skills they need to succeed in the workplace by delivering specialised training programs.

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Help people learn the skills they need to succeed in the workplace

Working as a Trainer and Assessor, you’ll help people develop the skills they need to succeed at their jobs and further their careers. Working primarily with adults, you’ll be responsible for running staff training programs in specialised fields, equipping your students with the knowledge and confidence to be productive members of the workforce. You may work in-house at a large organisation, training new staff, or you may be employed by a specialist training agency and deliver training to a range of businesses across the country.

Key stats

Trainer and Assessors provide an important role in supporting people’s career development, and report high levels of job satisfaction. Here are some key facts and figures about this career path:

  • $1,780

    Average weekly salary

  • 42 hrs

    Average hours worked per week

  • 50 yrs

    Average age of people in this career

  • Multi-region

    Jobs available in metro and rural areas

  • ~28,000

    People employed in this industry

  • 60%

    Of employees are full time

  • Below average

    Unemployment for this industry

  • 8.7%

    Future growth (next five years)

Stats as of April 2024. Source:

Core skills of a Trainer and Assessor

Working as a Trainer and Assessor, you’ll have specialised skills in assessing and supporting your clients’ needs. Some of the core skills of Trainers and Assessors include:

Preparing training materials

Gathering resources and putting together training plans and materials, including worksheets, demonstrations, and multimedia presentations.

Delivering training

Facilitating training in a range of environments, including small classes, larger groups, and online.

Working with business stakeholders

Liaising with management and industry stakeholders to develop training that meets business goals, and report on the progress of staff.

Marking student work and maintaining records

Assessing students’ performance, providing grades, and maintaining records of attendance and performance.

Start here

Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

Online or blended learning

Employment as a Trainer and Assessor

You may choose to continue your studies at university to become a qualified Teacher.

For more information about studying to become an Trainer and Assessor, get in touch with one of our Course Coordinators. They'll help you understand your study options and match the right course with your goals.

Why choose GOTAFE?

Community connections

We have strong relationships with local industry, and our trainers regularly recommend students to local employers.

Passionate trainers

Our trainers know that education is vocation, and are dedicated to helping you pursue your passion and become the best educator you can be.

Recognised qualifications

Give your career a boost with a recognised Training and Assessment qualification from GOTAFE.

Explore more career opportunities

Not sure this is the right career path for you? Explore our other careers and find the right fit for you.